Is Beard Balm Necessary

What Is Beard Balm?

Beard Balm, is a combination of Butters, Oils, Waxes, Jellies & Essential Oils, but what's the point of it? After all, there are already some great products such as Beard Oil or Beard Butter that work wonders for healthy Beard hair and chin skin.

Well, let's take a few moments of your day to shine the spotlight on the GOAT (GreatestOfAlllTime) of Beard care products.

Let's get


A semi-hard pomade textured product, created by systematically mixing, heating to the melting point, blending a mixture of nourishing, vitamin packaged ingredients while then cooling and pouring in a blend of moisturisers and sealants. The end result is a class A product for keeping your beard in shape, moisturised, protected and smelling good, acting as a leave-in conditioner.

Man using onesociety one society beard care beard oil beard growth oil products mens grooming products beard butter beard balm beard care kit bundle aloe vera gel shave oil 1 society bearded gentleman

Rick Hughes

'I use beard balm daily to help with my fly-away hairs, I only have a short beard maybe 2 inches, but using beard balm as part of my daily routine just before I got to work really helps to control my hair in any situation I will face throughout the day. Added benefits of keeping the beard healthy and smelling really nice is also great.'

Jonathan North

'Personally, I tend to use the bay rum scented beard balm after my morning shower, I rinse my beard with water only, then pat down with a towel, whilst still damp ill put in the balm and it really makes a difference, my beard hairs do not get brittle and stay soft through the day, and have a level of control.'

Due to the thick viscosity of Beard Balm, applying the product to your beard after heating in the palms of your hands, can help if you have a patchy-looking beard, being able to manipulate the hairs creating a fuller look, also increasing the healthiness of the skin and beard hair, locking in moisture all day long.

Simon butcher at barber connect talking to people.

All good so far

Beard balm

With 8 different scents to choose from and a money-back guarantee if you are not 100% satisfied, whats stopping you?

Try Beard Balm

the ingredients.

In order to understand the benefits you get out of beard balm, it's important that you understand what each one of these ingredients actually does.

Various One Society Beard Oil Balm Products

The Good Stuff

Beeswax in beard balm gives your beard a slight hold and styling properties to an extent. Unlike beard wax which gives you the ultimate hold that your beard can achieve, the beeswax in beard balm is only just a slight hold at best.

In addition to giving you better hold on your beard, beeswax also helps to lock in the moisture given off by the other ingredients in the balm. If beeswax is primarily for the hold, then the butter is for spreadability. This isn’t the typical dairy butter that you may have in the fridge.  Instead, the butter used in beard balm is usually along the lines of a shea or cocoa butter. Also found in our Beard Butter product.


But not the spreadable kind

Carrier oils and butter help provide an ample amount of moisture for your beard. This is critical, especially if you live in a cooler or dry climate. The butter in beard balm makes sure that your beard will remain healthy throughout the day.

Carrier oils are where you are getting much of the benefits of any decent beard balm. Complimenting the butter used, a carrier oil will make your beard incredibly soft and healthy looking.

Carrier Oils

What is carrier oil? Carrier oils come from several different types of plants, the most common being jojoba, argan oil, sweet almond oil, etc. Also found as the core ingredient in our Beard Oil, carrier oils' core purpose is to nourish your beard. If it's your first ever time using beard balm a great beginner carrier oil to look out for is either jojoba or argan oil.

Especially if you have very sensitive skin, jojoba in particular is just about as close to an all-natural ingredient that you can use that closely resembles the natural sebum oil that your skin produces. This greatly reduces any chance of having an allergic reaction – it's generally recommended to do an allergy patch test before applying any new products to your skin on a regular basis.

one society onesociety beard balm how to use why should I use beard balm. Beard Butter healthy product for your beard and skin. one society onesociety beard balm how to use why should I use beard balm. Beard Butter healthy product for your beard and skin.

Should I be using Beard Balm?

Concluding comments


Depending on your chin hair, Lion's mane, Face fuzz or most commonly known as 'Beard' Depending on its length and thickness, take the back of your fingernail, and scrape the beard balm, then take the product and rub in between your palms and fingertips, Warming up the Balm with your hands is a very important part of applying the product, allowing it to quench your beard and skin without leaving behind any residue. 

Remember to spread your Beard Balm evenly throughout your beard. Do not worry, if you have used too little, then take some more and repeat, if you have used too much, take a clean flannel or towel and simply wipe the excess off.

Small Beards, medium Beards, long Beards and anything in between can benefit from using Beard Balm, we recommend using the product daily to really notice a healthier, thicker and all-around better looking Beard.



Onesociety brand ambassador Simon Butcher of Hairground Lives shares his tips in applying Onesociety Beard Oil.

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How to use

Beard Oil

You have probably been told about Beard Oil, read it somewhere or seen it in your local supermarket, and perhaps thought 'Why on earth would somebody put oil on their Beard? Surely it feels horrible and is one big greasy mess all day long!' Well, quite the opposite in fact.



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